91Six started by Director Jose Alvarez and a group of locals that banded together, to help make change in our community. We work to embrace clean environmental policy, and help give back to those less fortunate. We do not have to go far to help out. We provide resources to deliver on clean energy, make a positive impact on our local Sacramento communities, and help families and individuals that are less fortunate with food and water. We believe that change starts inward and works its way out.

Here at The 91Six Organization, we are the conduit which carries the care and love that local communities need to thrive. By purchasing a 91Six branded hoodie, you can help fund those in need at your very fingertips. We have such a deep seeded passion for where we live that giving back is just the start to making this world and Sacramento (91Six) a better place.

We Can All Do Our Part

Out of 500,000 people living in Sacramento, Ca. Our poverty level is the highest at 15.7% That is 78,500 families living below the national poverty levels. These are people and families living in our own backyard experiencing difficult times and they only seem to be worsening during a post covid era. We can all do our part by helping to raise money to help these local families in need. You can purchase a 91Six Hoodie and also donate directly on our website directly from your phone. Together we can ensure that resources like food, water, and supplies get delivered to those in need during these tough times.

How California ranks out of 50 states

US Census Bureau - 2022