At 91Six our one of a kind mission is dedicated to the environmental causes surrounding energy, food, and water for those in and around the Sacramento area. We believe that nobody should go without these very essentials that provide sustenance for every person we can impact. Change starts with the heart, and at the heart of California, we find Sacramento (91Six). By starting at the center and working our way outward we are able to reach as many people as possible.

Mahatma Ghandi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Jose Alvarez | The 91Six Director

“Our goal is to help impact our world in a positive way. By searching within we can find the various ways in supporting those in need within reachable distance. The world is a big place. 91Six is raising awareness over clean energy policy, and giving back to the communities we serve. We can all do our part in giving back, by starting here in our very own backyard, the 91Six.”